Magical letters for a magical life

Enchanted Post is letter writing in its true form. It’s unique, personalised and is sure to spark joy in little people and adults alike. Magic is brought to life through a personal touch, a letter full of hope, love and wishes, making those special occasions extra merry and bright. Imagine the excitement of a child opening a letter received from the desk of Santa Claus!


Little things bringing big joy

In a time where we could all do with a big dose of hope, Enchanted Post brings joy back into the lives of children and their families by inspiring imagination and fun. Keeping the magic alive helps to build creative, resilient and happy children.


Unique gifts that keep the spirit alive

Are you are looking for a gift for the child who has everything they need? That certain something that doesn’t negatively impact the environment or takes up too much space? Or perhaps you are looking for something a bit outside the box? A letter from Father Christmas makes a wonderfully unique Christmas gift and keepsake that will be treasured for years to come.