How it works

Step 1.

First step is to select your letter. Head to the ‘Shop’ tab to choose either 'The Santa Claus Letter' or 'Baby's first Christmas.' From here you can select a ‘personalised’ letter and finally, if you would like it printed or handwritten. Keep in mind hand scribed letters will have less text due to the nature of calligraphy.

Step 2.

Once you've made your selection, head to the checkout. If you selected a personalised letter, you will be prompted to answer some questions about the recipient (name, age, address for delivery and a small description).

Step 3.

From here, the magical staff at Enchanted Post will begin processing your order. Once your letters are ready, they will be shipped in a plain envelope with the real letter inside. Please note that all ‘printed’ letters are carefully created in batches and therefore will be received in a set time window.

Step 4.

There are many ways to present your letter from Father Christmas to the recipient.
You may wish to make it part of your Christmas Eve traditions and have it ‘arrive’ in your letter box. Or you may wish to place it in their Christmas stocking to be discovered on Christmas morning! Maybe it appears below the Christmas tree a week before Christmas in a bed of glitter? Or will Santa leave it on the coffee table after devouring the homemade biscuits you left out for him?

Enjoy and treasure!

Write your own

You will also find blank stationery for children to pen their letters to Santa or stationery for those wishing to write their own Santa letter. We also offer seasonal products such as our 'Magic Santa keys’, which you can choose to bundle with your letter to add an extra sprinkle of magic.

 We would love to see the magic come alive! If you enjoy sharing on social media, please tag us on Instagram @enchanted_post or use the hash tag #enchantedpost. We also love feedback so feel free to send our magical team an email at to share your experience or rate us on Facebook.